Introduction to Data Science Workbook
The principal purpose of Data Science is to find patterns within data. It uses various statistical techniques to analyse and draw insights from the data.
Inspiration Behind S2 and NM Dev
Inspiration behind NM Dev Scripting languages (such as R/MATLAB/Python etc.) come with huge libraries for mathematics built-in and provide users with the ability to interact with
Transforming a QP Problem to an SOCP Problem
A Quadratic Programming problem (QP) in the form of \[\begin{aligned} & \underset{x}{\text{minimize}} & & \frac{1}{2} x^T H x + p^T x \\ & \text{subject to}
Fastest Java Matrix Multiplication
Introduction Matrix multiplication occupies a central role in scientific computing with an extremely wide range of applications. Many numerical procedures in linear algebra (e.g. solving
SuanShu is the Best Numerical and Statistical Library, ever!
a picture is worth a thousand words… Check out the release notes here: Happy birthday to me 🙂